All articles tagged: “Lessons”

(76 total)



13 min read

What is Credit Counseling? How a Professional Can Help You Better Manage Debt

What is Credit Counseling?

Credit counseling is a service that provides help from a professional to better manage your money and debts. Counselors can help you plan to pay... read more »

Eric Bank

By: Eric Bank • 6/19/24



3 min read

Evaluating Earning Discrepancies in Relationships Across the U.S.

States with the Largest Earning Discrepancies Between Partners

Finances can strain relationships. Whether deciding how much to spend on a major life purchase together or determining who should pay the tab on... read more »

Jon McDonald

By: Jon McDonald • 6/12/24



3 min read

More Than Half a Million Couples Won’t Get Married This Year Due to Financial Constraints

Financial Constraints Impact Weddings Across America

In a significant blow to the wedding industry, recent research conducted by reveals that an estimated 580,862 couples will not be... read more »

Jon McDonald

By: Jon McDonald • 6/6/24



9 min read

How the Consumer Credit Protection Act Protects Borrowers

How the CCPA Protects Borrowers

The Consumer Credit Protection Act (CCPA) is a federal law in the United States enacted on May 29, 1968. It includes four titles that focus on... read more »

Eric Bank

By: Eric Bank • 5/29/24



11 min read

10 Best Free Financial E-Books for 2023

10 Best Free Financial E-Books for 2023

There’s no shortage of financial advice on the web. It’s not an exaggeration that for every recommendation you read or watch online, you can find... read more »

Mike Senecal

By: Mike Senecal • 9/13/23


100,000+ views

5 min read

The Corps Network Empowers Youth With Service and Career Development Opportunities

How The Corps Network Empowers Youth and Shapes Careers

The Corps Network is a nonprofit organization that supports community-based conservation efforts in the United States. Its 150... read more »

Jordan Sprogis

By: Jordan Sprogis • 7/13/23


100,000+ views

5 min read

The Minimalists Podcast: Create Space for Intentional Living and Healthier Money Habits

The Minimalists Podcast Helps Build Healthier Money Habits

If you think minimalism is only about finding room for furniture and emptying junk drawers, think again. In the hands of Joshua... read more »

Mike Senecal

By: Mike Senecal • 5/31/23


100,000+ views

5 min read

The Food Recovery Network: Hundreds of Student-Led College Chapters Fight Community Food Waste

The Food Recovery Network: Student-Led College Chapters Fight Food Waste

When students at the University of Maryland realized campus food safety policies designed to protect them resulted in copious... read more »

Mike Senecal

By: Mike Senecal • 5/4/23


100,000+ views

7 min read

The Legal Action Center Fights for Equity and Opportunity Through Free Legal Resources, Policy Advocacy, and Impact Litigation

The Legal Action Center Offers Free Legal and Health Resources

Since 1973, the Legal Action Center (LAC) has fought discrimination against and to restore opportunity for individuals with arrest... read more »

Mike Senecal

By: Mike Senecal • 5/1/23


100,000+ views

5 min read

The Vera Institute of Justice Unlocks the Financial Contradictions That Result in Mass Incarceration

The Vera Institute of Justice Unlocks the Finances of Mass Incarceration

Data consistently indicates what many seem to know intrinsically: Americans live under a tiered justice system. Those without the... read more »

Mike Senecal

By: Mike Senecal • 4/12/23


100,000+ views

5 min read

What it Means to Use a Credit Card Responsibly

What it Means to Use Credit Responsibly

The credit card is the most common form of credit in the United States. There are over 1 billion cards in circulation today, representing several... read more »

John Ulzheimer

By: John Ulzheimer • 12/1/22


100,000+ views

7 min read

The Ultimate Guide to Credit Jargon: 25 Basic Terms You Need to Know

25 Basic Credit Terms You Need to Know

The credit industry is full of terms that you may not use in your everyday life and will unlikely see anywhere outside of the credit industry.... read more »

John Ulzheimer

By: John Ulzheimer • 10/19/22


100,000+ views

5 min read

Kukun Provides Homeowners With Tools to Maintain and Increase the Value of Their Homes

Kukun Helps Consumers Maintain Homes and Increase Value

Homeowners know that smart remodeling projects can add value to their home. But some projects increase home value more than... read more »

Jon McDonald

By: Jon McDonald • 9/23/22


100,000+ views

5 min read

What Are Credit Card APRs? 6 Interest Rates Explained

A Quick Guide to Credit Card APRs

Learning how to use a credit card wisely is key to managing your finances properly and staying out of debt. One of the most important credit card... read more »

Andrea Woroch

By: Andrea Woroch • 9/20/22


100,000+ views

5 min read

NCSHA and State Housing Finance Agencies Partner to Address Rising Housing Costs

NCSHA Partners With State Agencies to Address Rising Housing Costs

State housing finance agencies (HFAs) provide a collective $45 billion in financing to assist more than 300,000 households... read more »

Jon McDonald

By: Jon McDonald • 9/7/22


100,000+ views

7 min read

12 Signs of Predatory Lending

12 Signs You're Dealing With a Predatory Lender

Doing business with an upstanding lender is important when you want to borrow money. The loan cost will be kept to a minimum, and you will have... read more »

Erica Sandberg

By: Erica Sandberg • 8/1/22


100,000+ views

5 min read

Credit Card Piggybacking — What It Is & How It Can Help Your Credit

How Credit Card Piggybacking Can Help Your Credit

If you haven’t established a credit history or your credit scores are low due to past credit problems, getting a great credit card in your name... read more »

Erica Sandberg

By: Erica Sandberg • 4/4/22


100,000+ views

5 min read

Attorney Joyce Smithey Offers Insights to Avoid Debt and Hardship from Wrongful Termination

Attorney Tips to Avoid Debt from Wrongful Termination

In cases of wrongful termination involving discrimination, litigation can be a valuable recourse for recovering damages, lost... read more »

Adam West

By: Adam West • 1/19/22


100,000+ views

7 min read

How Much Bad Credit Really Costs

How Much Bad Credit Really Costs

You can get approved for a credit product, in most cases, even if you have bad credit. However, a positive credit history will help you keep the... read more »

Erica Sandberg

By: Erica Sandberg • 12/16/21


100,000+ views

5 min read

What Does It Mean to Be a Risky Borrower?

What Does It Mean to Be a Risky Borrower?

When you apply for financing, such as a credit card or loan, the lender will review your credit information to get a feel for the level of risk... read more »

John Ulzheimer

By: John Ulzheimer • 10/28/21


100,000+ views

5 min read

No Credit vs. Bad Credit — What’s The Difference?

No Credit vs. Bad Credit — What's The Difference?

Establishing good credit is important for most people. Doors swing open when you prove that you have a long history of responsibly borrowing and... read more »

Erica Sandberg

By: Erica Sandberg • 10/14/21


100,000+ views

7 min read

What’s The Difference Between Hard & Soft Credit Inquiries?

What's the Difference Between Hard and Soft Inquiries?

Your credit reports are full of sensitive and private information. So it may comfort you to learn that various federal laws place restrictions on... read more »

John Ulzheimer

By: John Ulzheimer • 9/8/21


100,000+ views

5 min read

How Many Americans Have Bad Credit? (2024)

How Many Americans Have Bad Credit?

Your credit reports and credit scores are immensely important because they control your access to, and the pricing of, extensions of credit.... read more »

John Ulzheimer

By: John Ulzheimer • 11/27/20


100,000+ views

5 min read

5 Timely Financial Moves to Make Before Year-End

5 Timely Financial Moves to Make Before Year-End

Many Americans are eager to welcome the New Year and get a fresh financial start. While setting goals for the new year is admirable, there’s... read more »

Andrea Woroch

By: Andrea Woroch • 11/12/20


100,000+ views

5 min read

The Player FM Podcast Library Offers Free Access to a Wealth of Business and Financial Knowledge

Player FM: Free Financial and Business Podcasts

With hundreds of thousands of podcasts and millions of episodes, picking one can be an intimidating task. That’s why Player FM... read more »

Adam West

By: Adam West • 3/20/20