Jon McDonald

About the Author

Jon McDonald

With more than 15 years of journalism expertise, Jon stays apprised of finance trends, influential companies, and financial literacy resources for subprime consumers. He is most knowledgeable in the areas of budgeting, loans, and responsible credit use, and his articles have appeared in publications produced by The New York Times.

Latest Posts

113 posts written/edited to date



9 min read

Study: Are Creative Financial Strategies the New Stepping Ladder to Financial Freedom?

Study: Using Creative Financial Strategies to Achieve Financial Freedom

Many Americans are turning to unconventional financial strategies to manage their finances. With the cost of living rising and salaries not... read more »

Jon McDonald

By: Jon McDonald • 6/27/24



9 min read

Survey Reveals Top Reasons Gen Zers and Millennials Make Impulse Purchases

Why Gen Zers and Millennials Make Impulse Purchases

Have you ever bought something you probably didn’t need without planning to? As it turns out, many of us have. According to the results of our... read more »

Jon McDonald

By: Jon McDonald • 6/26/24



13 min read

Poll of Foodies Reveals the Top 100 Locations to Eat Healthily On a Budget

The Top 100 Locations to Eat Healthily On a Budget

Spending money on food can be a challenge for those with limited financial resources, often leading to a reliance on inexpensive but unhealthy... read more »

Jon McDonald

By: Jon McDonald • 6/26/24



3 min read

Evaluating Earning Discrepancies in Relationships Across the U.S.

States with the Largest Earning Discrepancies Between Partners

Finances can strain relationships. Whether deciding how much to spend on a major life purchase together or determining who should pay the tab on... read more »

Jon McDonald

By: Jon McDonald • 6/12/24



3 min read

More Than Half a Million Couples Won’t Get Married This Year Due to Financial Constraints

Financial Constraints Impact Weddings Across America

In a significant blow to the wedding industry, recent research conducted by reveals that an estimated 580,862 couples will not be... read more »

Jon McDonald

By: Jon McDonald • 6/6/24



3 min read

How Much of Americans’ Income Goes Toward Rent Across the U.S.?

How Much of Americans' Income Goes Toward Rent Across the U.S.?

You should spend no more than 30% of your gross income on rent, according to many financial experts. But with rental rates increasing on what... read more »

Jon McDonald

By: Jon McDonald • 6/4/24



3 min read

34% of Americans Don’t Feel Financially Secure Enough to Enjoy Summer

34% of Americans Don’t Feel Financially Secure Enough to Enjoy Summer

Summer is a historically busy time. Across the U.S., people are getting outside, going on road trips, and socializing together with fun summer... read more »

Jon McDonald

By: Jon McDonald • 5/16/24



3 min read

How Long Does It Take Minimum-Wage Workers to Afford a Home Down Payment?

How Long It Takes to Afford a Home Down Payment Making Minimum Wage

Owning a home is a big part of the American Dream, representing financial security and personal accomplishment. But for minimum-wage workers,... read more »

Jon McDonald

By: Jon McDonald • 5/15/24



3 min read

Americans Estimate They Spend $628 a Month Shopping Online

Americans Overestimate Their Online Spending

In today’s digital world, online shopping is a major part of American consumer culture. It’s hard to top the convenience and accessibility that... read more »

Jon McDonald

By: Jon McDonald • 5/7/24



3 min read

78% of Millennials and Gen Zers Report Being Targets of Debt Collection Scams

78% of Millennials and Gen Zers Report Being Targets of Debt Collection Scams

In today’s world, scams are becoming increasingly sophisticated, preying on people’s vulnerabilities and financial hardships. According to the... read more »

Jon McDonald

By: Jon McDonald • 4/30/24



3 min read

25 Million Americans Struggle with Credit Invisibility

25 Million Americans Struggle with Credit Invisibility

Credit Invisibility describes people whose credit history is so limited that they don’t even have a credit score. According to our recent study,... read more »

Jon McDonald

By: Jon McDonald • 4/24/24



3 min read

Men are Twice as Likely as Women to Engage in Doom Spending

US Men are Twice as Likely as Women to Doom Spend

Doom spending is the act of spending money without concern. Commonly referred to as retail therapy, it’s spending in pursuit of the dopamine and... read more »

Jon McDonald

By: Jon McDonald • 4/23/24



3 min read

81% of Americans Would Rather Have a Clean Criminal Record Than an Ivy League Diploma

Americans Prefer No Criminal Record to Ivy League Diploma

Nearly one-third of American adults, more than 70 million people, have a criminal record, which can severely limit their access to loans,... read more »

Jon McDonald

By: Jon McDonald • 4/1/24



3 min read

Lower Interest Rates Could Affect Americans’ Spending & Savings Plans in 2024

How a Lower Fed Funds Rate Could Affect Americans' Finances survey reveals that 39% of people surveyed are relieved the Fed is expected to lower rates, which may encourage credit card... read more »

Jon McDonald

By: Jon McDonald • 3/11/24



3 min read

15% of Americans Have Used ChatGPT to Improve Their Credit Scores

15% of Americans Have Used ChatGPT to Improve Their Credit survey reveals that many younger consumers, predominantly Gen Z and millennial males, trust AI tools to help them improve their... read more »

Jon McDonald

By: Jon McDonald • 2/22/24



3 min read

Over 1 in 5 Americans Admit to Having Been a ‘Loan Shark’

Over 1 in 5 Americans Admit to Having Been a Loan Shark

When traditional lending options like banks and credit cards are out of reach or unappealing, especially during periods of high interest rates,... read more »

Jon McDonald

By: Jon McDonald • 2/6/24


100,000+ views

5 min read

EarnUp Continues to Help Borrowers Pay Off Loans More Efficiently Through Automatic Payments

EarnUp Enhances Loan Payment Efficiency for Borrowers

Many American homeowners may feel saddled with interest that compounds over years and decades, costing them far more than the... read more »

Jon McDonald

By: Jon McDonald • 7/7/23



5 min read

A Way Abroad Helps Women Find Pathways to Live and Work Outside of Their Home Countries

A Way Abroad Helps Women Work and Live in Other Countries

A Way Abroad helps women figure out the logistics, including work opportunities, necessary to move to other countries. The website... read more »

Jon McDonald

By: Jon McDonald • 7/7/23


100,000+ views

7 min read

RentHop Uses a Smart Algorithm to Help Renters Assess Properties and Get the Best Price

RentHop Helps Renters Find the Best Value

Sky-high rental rates are a huge concern in today’s economy, and nowhere is that more apparent than in New York City. RentHop is a... read more »

Jon McDonald

By: Jon McDonald • 6/7/23


100,000+ views

5 min read

FitBUX Helps Young Adults Navigate Their Financial Lives and Plan for Retirement

FitBUX Helps Young Adults With Financial Planning

The process of building a financial plan for life and retirement can be daunting. The thought of actually implementing that plan,... read more »

Jon McDonald

By: Jon McDonald • 6/5/23